The Hallraisers - Various
Guided Tree Walk
Do you know the difference between a Large Leaf Lime tree and a Common Lime? Or how an Algerian Oak differs from a Common English Oak? Or what distinguishes a fastigiate tree?
Certainly those who joined the Village Tree Trail Walk, ably led by Pam Keeble, our Village Tree Warden on a sunny May Sunday afternoon, do.
The walk was well supported by a variety of local people, children and dogs who had a most interesting time learning about the tress by the pond all the way to Smoke Tree Cottage via the churchyard and recreation ground.
Knock! Knock! by Vicky Paine and the Chalkpath Theatre Group
The Theatre Group staged Knock! Knock! in the Church Hall as part of the series of Amberley Open Advent series of events in December 2023 , with proceeds being given to the Hallraisers fund.
Christmas in The Square
Despite a bitterly cold morning in early December, the Christmas Stall in the Square raised £413.42 for the St Michael’s Church Hall Upgrade and were also able to support Amberley’s two local Ukrainian friends, Viktoria and Iryna, as well as St Mary’s North Stoke.
Sound Bath
Sheena Skinner created a warm, cosy and nest-like Sound Bath at the Church Hall, with incense, comforting essential oils, candles, twinkly lights and an abundance of warm blankets to allow people to rest and go within.
Sound baths are a meditative practice involving the use of resonant, vibrational music. This creates an immersive experience that fills the room, mind and body, with the aim to help people to relax and let go of stress, anxiety and worries. The vibrations guide you into a state of contemplation and rest while closing down the fight or flight response, so it’s a particularly helpful practice for this day and age.
After the sound bath, guests stayed on for a while to drink tea, eat homemade plant based snacks and fruit, before heading back to their lives, feeling more rested and rejuvenated than when they arrived.
Sound of Painting Talk
A packed audience was fascinated by Michael Joseph's talk, 'The Sound of Painting' on 13th September. A former engineer and airline pilot, Michael draws creative inspiration from his greatest passions, which include music, painting and sculpture. He has worked with musicians for many years, interpreting composition and sound into charcoal and paint in ways that allow the artworks to capture the essence of a piece, from a melody to the spirit of the performance, adding a new dimension to the music.
Michael's talk raised just over £375 for the Church Hall refurbishment fund. The Hallraisers are very grateful to Michael for giving this talk on our behalf.​